Film recommendation: IRRE oder Der Hahn ist tot Award FBW: Prädikat besonders wertvoll!

DOKU | 82 minutes | FSK ab 12 | 2023 | To the film page

“IRRE or The Rooster is Dead” is a personal version of a film made from visits and cinematic observations in the rooms of the Freiburger Hilfsgemeinschaft, a drop-in center for people with mental illness.

This was preceded by a documentation prepared together with the visitors about the work of the institution, which was founded in 1970 in the course of the anti-psychiatry movement.

In a floor of an old building in the middle of Freiburg, people meet regularly to exchange ideas at the “Lunch Table” and in the “Club 55” of the Freiburger Hilfsgemeinschaft, the second oldest institution for mentally ill people in Germany. Most of the visitors have been in and out of psychiatric care for decades.

With impressive openness, they talk about their experiences there, about living with a mental illness, their everyday life and their often precarious living situation. The film sensitively introduces mentally ill people from our midst. Those affected tell how their illness suddenly enters their lives. How everything goes off the rails, how their fellow human beings react and habits, attitudes to life, goals change.

Cinema dates:

from 07.07.23 Koki Freiburg (premiere on 07.07.23/19.30 with film team)
from 08.07.23 Joki cinema Bad Krozingen (08.07./17 h with film team)
from 09.07.23 Krone Theater Titisee Neustadt (09.07 /18 h with film team)
from 10.07.23 Emmendingen Cine Maja (10.07. /18.30 h with film team, cooperation with ZFP)
from 11.07.23 Müllheim cinema (11.07./19.30 h with film team, cooperation with d. Caritas & Start e. V.)
from 13.07.23 Buggingen cinema
from 13.07.23 Stuttgart city center cinemas (17.07./18.30 h with film team, cooperation with LVPEBW)

Preview (Trailer)