Expedition Depression” tells the story of an illness that now affects more than five million people in Germany, including many young people.
Christoph, Jacqueline, Julia, Christoph and Charis, five young adults between the ages of 20 and 35, embark on an extraordinary journey together: On a road trip through Germany – on the trail of depression. In search of answers to the disease. Five young adults who themselves experienced depression in childhood and adolescence.
Five young adults, one commonality. A road trip, a togetherness.
The film will be shown on 12.10.2023, 18.00 clock
at Delphi Arthaus Cinema Stuttgart – Buñuel Room
Admission is free of charge!
Content of the film:
As different as the protagonists are, one theme unites them all: Each and every one of them experienced depression in childhood or adolescence and had to find a way to deal with the illness. The film offers very personal insights into the emotional world of those affected, answers the question “What can help adolescents and young adults deal with their illness?” and sends three important messages: Depression can affect anyone, depression is treatable, and: “You are not alone”.
After the film, there will be an opportunity for an exchange with the chairwoman of the German Depression League Waltraud Rinke and DDL member Katja Luik.