Technical Lecture:
“Talking about Suicide. Contributions to Understanding and Directions for Dealing.”
Date: Friday, July 21, 2023
Venue: YMCA House Stuttgart, Büchsenstraße 37, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany
Conference program: see flyer
This is a joint event of the Landesverband Gemeindespsychiatrie Baden-Württemberg e. V., the Landesverband Psychiatrie-Erfahrener Baden-Württemberg e. V. and the Landesverband Baden-Württemberg der Angehörigen psychisch erkrankter Menschen e. V.
We succeeded in winningDr. Jörg Breitmaier, Medical Director, Chief Physician of the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Krankenhaus zum Guten Hirten, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, as a speaker for the specialist lecture .
We are sure that the important topic of “suicide prevention” and the workshop program offered will provide much opportunity for exchange.
For more information on Regio 2023, please see the flyer.
Please register for Regio 2023 by June 19, 2023 via the digital registration form register.
We are looking forward to meeting you!